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Touch Me Up Medical Spa & Skin Center offers IV therapy treatments performed by our clinically trained and certified nurse practitioners.


IV infusions provide speedy delivery of vitamins and minerals into the body. IV therapy can help boost energy levels, boost your immune system, repair damaged cells, accelerate the wound healing process, and help maintain a healthy weight. Some common vitamins include B vitamins and Vitamin C. Magnesium, calcium, and electrolytes are also commonly added to the treatment.


Intravenous (IV) hydration is a medical process that involves infusing liquid substances directly into a vein. This procedure is typically performed using an IV drip or IV therapy to replenish the body's hydration levels, deliver nutrients, or administer vitamins. The process provides an efficient way to deliver substances into the bloodstream, allowing for immediate absorption and use by the body.


IV hydration plays a pivotal role in supporting optimal bodily functions. Dehydration can result in various health issues, including fatigue, dizziness, and confusion. By administering fluids directly into the bloodstream, IV hydration bypasses the digestive system, providing immediate rehydration and relief from these symptoms. It's also beneficial for individuals who have difficulty ingesting fluids orally.


Common IV Drips


  • Myers' Cocktail. This potent solution contains a blend of vitamins and minerals designed to treat a range of chronic and acute conditions. Elements such as magnesium, calcium, various B vitamins, and vitamin C make up this cocktail, each serving a specific therapeutic purpose.


  • Energy Boost. Many people experience periods of low energy due to dehydration, inadequate nutrition, or illness. The direct infusion of nutrients into the bloodstream can provide an immediate pick-me-up by replenishing depleted resources and supporting cellular function. 


  • Beauty Boost. Certain therapies infuse antioxidants and hydrating fluids that help to improve skin complexion and elasticity while promoting healthy hair growth. These treatments work by detoxifying the body and supplying it with essential nutrients that support healthy skin and hair.


  • Immune Boost. In times of illness or as preventative care, IV therapies can deliver high doses of Vitamin C and other immune-supporting nutrients directly into the bloodstream. These treatments help to strengthen the immune system and increase resistance to infections.


IV hydration is a versatile treatment that can be tailored to meet various health needs ranging from dehydration relief to immune system fortification. Whether it's through a rejuvenating Myers' Cocktail or a custom blend of nutrients, this method provides a quick and efficient way to improve overall health and well-being.


Please Contact Us to schedule your free consultation. Our IV therapy Price Menu.

myers cocktail, iv hydration drip vitamin boost at our medical spa.

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